Tonya R. Mason, PhD

Collegewide Dean of Student Success and Rockville Student Affairs, Montgomery College.

Dr. Mason brings more than 25 years of experience in student affairs to her role as the collegewide dean of student success and Rockville student affairs at Montgomery College. Since 2001, she has served students at the College as a counselor and department chair of Counseling and Advising, as an administrative associate in the Office of the Executive Vice President for Academic and Student Services, and most recently, as the associate dean of student services at the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus. Notable accomplishments in these roles include developing more than 70 transfer articulation agreements with four-year institutions and other community partners, creating a successful athletic eligibility certification process, and managing relevant academic area reviews and outcomes assessment processes. In addition, she has participated in many campus and collegewide committees, including the Academic Area Review Committee, Title IX Advisory Committee, Collegewide Behavioral Intervention Team, Closing the Achievement Gap Task Group, and the Presidential Search Advisory Committee. These and other contributions earned Dr. Mason the Faculty Outstanding Service Award in 2011. Prior to joining Montgomery College, Dr. Mason served in various capacities at the University of Maryland, the University of Pennsylvania, and Towson University. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania, as well as a Master of Arts and doctoral degree in counseling psychology from the University of Maryland.