Career Coaching

Workforce Development through Career Coaching

Offered in Phase II, Future Link’s three-track Career Coaching Program was developed to assist students on a one-on-one basis to identify pathways, develop the needed professional portfolio (documentation and preparation), and attain internships and jobs essential to achieving workforce success. Volunteer professionals are trained with proprietary materials, leading students to achieve the desired results.


The Career Coaching Program



Students uncertain of their career pathway identify and research possible avenues, assess personal strengths and values, and factor in their personal circumstances and required commitment (education and finances) to achieve each possibility. Career Exploration begins in Phase I and continues into Phase II as students early in their journey evaluate options with the guidance of a volunteer professional and staff. At times, students return to Career Exploration to finetune their career goal. Students must have a solid career plan in mind before proceeding to Track II.


For students ready for internships, office jobs, and first entry-level career positions, students develop their professional toolbox during Career Planning. Working with a trained volunteer professional (typically for 8-12 weeks), students create their resume, LinkedIn profile, personal story, and undergo extensive interviewing preparation. Students then advance to Track III for direct connections to employers and opportunities. Students often revisit Track II as they progress in their degree/credential attainment, to update their toolbox to reflect their current achievements and experiences.


Students completing the Career Planning track are thoughtfully vetted in preparation for introductions and connections to Future Link’s professional network for internship and job opportunities. Building on their experience in Track II, students work with a volunteer to develop a search strategy and apply for appropriate positions, working with the volunteer to refine their professional toolbox as needed for each opportunity.

The Future Link Difference

“Throughout the years, I’ve encountered many hardships while trying to obtain my associate and bachelor’s degrees. At times, it seemed impossible but Future Link stuck by my side and found a solution to every problem. They provided knowledgeable Mentors, financial assistance, and a phenomenal community. With the help of Future Link and my Career Coach, I was able to intern at Genentech, earn my degree in Translational Life Science Technology from UMBC, and accept a job offer at NIH. I am so grateful to have been a part of Future Link because it has truly changed my destiny. ” – Madji L.