Ken Weiner, PhD

Consultant, Assessment and Outcomes Measurement, Montgomery College (retired)

A founding board member of Future Link, Dr. Weiner served as President from 2011 to 2020. He is a Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, who retired in 2008 after 37 years as a faculty member at Montgomery College’s Rockville Campus. He holds a PhD in mathematical statistics from the University of Maryland. During his tenure at Montgomery College, Dr. Weiner served as Department Chair, maintained a continuing role as a faculty research associate in the Office of Planning and Institutional Research and developed and implemented a college-wide outcomes assessment plan for the College’s academic programs. He was also Co-Founder and Co-Director of the College’s highly successful Biomedical Scholars Program. Since 2001, Dr. Weiner has provided training and individual consultation to more than 200 non-profit organizations in Montgomery County on how to measure the impact of their services. In 2003, he was presented with a National Role Model Mentor Award by Minority Access, Inc. and received an honorary degree from Montgomery College in 2016.