Mindi Jacobson

Mindi Jacobson has a master’s degree in Public Health from Columbia University and an undergraduate degree in Health Services Management with a minor in Business and Personnel Management from the University of Rochester. Mindi’s areas of expertise include grant writing, building and developing programs, and developing relationships with other organizations and community professionals. She is the founding Executive Director of Future Link and has been in nonprofit management since 2006. Prior to this, Mindi spent 10 years in academic administration and health services management. Mindi devotes her time to capacity building activities, developing relationships and building infrastructure and resources for Future Link, Inc. She is proud that the organization’s budget and participants served has more than doubled over the last five years. Future Link was featured in U.S. News & World Report highlighting the supportive program model of the organization.

Mindi is passionate about education, addressing access and inequity issues and assisting vulnerable youth succeed. Mindi was awarded an honorary degree by Montgomery College in May 2019 for her commitment and dedication to students, and the community at-large. She has also received recognition and service awards for outstanding contributions to the community from the Collaboration Council, the Community Action Board, the Montgomery County Executive, the Maryland General Assembly, the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation and the Commission on Children and Youth.